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Year of establishment: 1988
Email: engmdlc@gmail.com
The department of English of the college was started in 1988 along with the inception of the college to impart English teaching initially at HS course and UG course without Major. Subsequently, Major course in English was offered from the academic session 1998-99. One of the achievements of the department is students’ promising result in Major course in comparison to their entry level academic stance and this better academic performance is attributed to the faculty of the department for regularity of classes and sincere guidance, academic counselling and motivation as well as continuous and comprehensive evaluation in the one hand and a resourceful and well facilitated library and a congenial academic ambience in the college on the other. Besides having compulsory General English Course in H.S. and B.A/B.Sc. programme, the department offers course in Alternative English and Major/Honours Course. In its prolonged academic journey the department has gained immense wealth of experience in terms of curriculum transaction while passing through different system of curriculum change especially in degree course, from TDC (2+1) system to TDC (1+1+1) system to B.A./B.SC Semester system to the presently ongoing CBCS system. The motto of the department is to develop students’ language fluency and literary competence in English through the medium of course curriculum enabling them “to be” and “to become” and the department works with a missionary zeal towards the achievement of its vision of “developing students with self-confidence in and working knowledge of English.
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H S (Arts) | 120 | |
H S (Science) | 120 | |
B.A. Major | 20 | |
B.A. Non-major | 150 | |
B.Sc Non-major | 150 |
Hari Prasad Kaphley |
* “Teaching for Developing Skills of English Language in Vernacular Secondary Schools in Assam” (Joint Paper), Journal of Education and Development, Vol. 2 (3), Jakir Hussain B.Ed. College, Murshidabad, West Bengal, June 2012.
* “Teaching of English as Second Language in the Vernacular Secondary Schools in Assam” (Joint Paper), Journal of Education and Development, Vol. 3 (6), Jakir Hussain B.Ed. College, Murshidabad, West Bengal, December, 2013. * Course material publication in Block-II (SLM) for B.A. course under Director of Distance Education, Dibrugarh University: “English, Course: ENGG- 201”- Unit-II: “We Are Seven” & “The Daffodils” - William Shakespeare. * Course Material publication in Block-I (SLM) for B.A. Course under Director of Distance Education, Dibrugarh University: “Alternative English, Course: Alte- 201”- Unit-V: “Kunti and the Nishadin” – Mahasweta Devi. * “Higher Education in the Era of Globalization” published in BEACON, a half yearly journal, Vol. No 2, July-Dec, 2003, published by Study Circle, Moridhal College. * UGC sponsored MRP on “An Evaluation of Teaching English in the Assamese Medium Lower Primary Schools with Special Reference to Dhemaji District in Assam” |
* Human Rights and Violence against Women, in Third Concept, ISSN 0970-7247, Vol. 28, No. 335, Jan 2015
* Sardar Vallabbhai Patel- The Man Who United India, ISBN 978-93-82630-67-8, 2016 * Folk Customs of Thengal Kachari Community of Assam, Third Concept, ISSN 0970-7247, Vol. 34, No. 397, March 2020 * Minor Research Project: (2014-2016) Violation of Human Rights of Women: A Study of Dhemaji District of Assam. |
* 'Basic Humanistic Qualities in the Songs of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’, published in Peer Reviewed Journal entitled Third Concept, ISSN-0970-7247, Vol-32, 2018. * Sardar Patel and His Concept of National Integration” published in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and the Idea of India, ISBN: 978-93-82630-67-8, 2016. * 'Religious Life of Mishings of Arunachal Pradesh’, Published in Peer reviewed journal entitled, Third Concept Vol-30, ISSN-0970-7247, 2016. Study into the journey from Light to Darkness in Siddhartha Deb’s Surface, published in IOSR Journals, Vol.25, Issue- 3 ISSN- 2279-0837, 2020. * Edited, Peer Reviewed Journal on Social sciences and humanities Entitled Adhatabya, ,ISSN-2393-9036., 2015. * ‘Satra and its Contribution to the Socio-Cultural Life of Assam’, Published in Asian Journal, ISSN-2278-859X, Index(ICV) 5.05, ISRA-2.015, 2015 . * ‘Need of Vocationalisation of Higher Education’, Published in the book entitled ‘The Research’, ISBN- 978-93-5087-702-9.2014 * ‘The Ramayana : An Eco-Critical Perspectives’, Published in Peer Reviewed Journal entitled, Pierian Spring, ISSN- 2393-8382. Vol-4, 2014, * ‘Insurgency and Human Right Violation in Assam’, Published in ‘Human Right Issues and Practices, ISBN- 978-81-923294-2-0, 2013. * Edited Non CBCS text book entitled An Anthology of English Poems, for Class 3rd Semester English Major Course, ISBN-978-93-5174-884-7. 2015 * ‘Social Reality in Oral Literature: A Conceptual Framework’, Published in Beacon, sponsored by Moridhal College, Vol-6, ISSN-2250-1282, 2012. |
* “Writing in English in the North-East: Why, What & How” published in Literature of the North- East India, ISBN: 978-93-82283-93-5, 2014.
* Sardar Patel and His Concept of National Integration” published in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and the Idea of India, ISBN: 978-93-82630-67-8, 2016. * Perspective of V. S. Naipaul’s Art, ISBN 978-93-82630-48-7, published by AADI Publications, Jaipur. * Study into the journey from Light to Darkness in Siddhartha Deb’s Surface, published in IOSR Journals, Vol.25, Issue- 3 ISSN- 2279-0837, 2020. * n Analysis into the Travels of the Translated Self in V.S.Naipaul’s Half A Life, published by IJELLH, Vol.8, Issue- 2, ISSN- 2582, 3574, 2020. |